Scanners offer the best performance among bar code readers.
They read dense bar codes on curved or irregular surfaces
and have a great scanning range - typically from contact to
24 inches. Special Long Range scanners can read up to 20+
feet. There are scanners which read in intense sunlight or
through glass or plastic bags and CD covers. The scanners
can be single-beam for 1-D bar codes or raster for 2-D bar
codes such as PDF-417. Some examples
are Symbol's LS-2208, LS-4208: Metrologic's Voyager; PSC's
PowerScan and QS6000; Intermec's Sabre 1400, Sabre 155X, ScanPlus
Laser Scanners
directional scanners project multiple beams of lasers to scan
bar code. If even one beam goes across a barcode, it can be
read. Therefore the orientation of the bar code itself is
not very important. These scanners, however, have one limitation.
in that they work best for a short range - typically 2"
- 5". In most cases you can either bring a bar code to
the scanner or remove the scanner from the stand and take
it to a bar code. They are popular for high volume applications
such as grocery store and libraries. Some
examples are Symbol's LS-9208: Metrologic's Orbit and Intermec's
Maxiscan 2210/2220.
Scanners are best for applications that require short distance
to mid distance scanning. Short distance CCD scanners read up
to 2-inches from the surface of a bar code but longer range
CCDs are also available. The short distance scanners are able
to read bar codes as wide as their window which is typically
2.6 or 3.2 inches. CCDs are good for scanning bar codes on irregular
or curved surfaces. Some examples of 1D
scanners are HHP's LR-3800; Opticon's 6125 and Unitech's MS210.
For 2-D bar codes scanners like HHP's 4400 are also available.
Readers (Light Pens) come in two variations: undecoded and
decoded. Most wands are undecoded, and require an external
decoder to decipher bar codes. A decoded wand has an integrated
bar code decoder and can be connected directly to a computer/terminal.
readers are affordable and work well in clean environments
on flat surfaces. A variety of decoders are available to work
with undecoded wands. An example of
an undecoded wand is Opticon's MSH 119 and an example of a
decoded wand is Opticon's MSH-220.